Simplify crop growing

Automate plant growth by creating a climate recipe for each grow phase of your crop






UX Research & Design

Priva is worldwide market leader of climate computers for greenhouses in horiculture. Advanced measurement and control systems create the optimal growing conditions for vegetables, flowers and soft fruit. Crop cycle manager is one of the first digital services that aims to simplify growing by repeating control settings as recipes based on the growth phases of a crop.

How it works

Climate computers are used to control in periods of 24hrs and repeat their settings every day. However, many plant varieties grow in stages that require changes in grow settings at specific days during its development. Crop cycle management automates this process to prevent mistakes and enable effective climate management for businesses that grow many different crops at the same time.

Focus on crops instead of the technical installation

A climate computer controls a technical installation, but a grower is only concerned with the development of his crop. Crop cycle management brings the crop in focus and abstracts the installation to create conditions based on how growers think instead of how the computer works.

Repeatable climate strategies

Each variety has its own specific growing conditions that maximize quality and production. As a first step we made a place to create and save settings in a recipe that can be reused on a new crop.

Usability testing

The first mockups have been tested with 5 growers to understand whether this implementation is useful and if it fits their mental model of growing in phases.

More to come

The project is still under development so this is a sneak peek of the progress we have made so far. As with any new endeavour it might fail and it will definitely change, but the only way of finding out is to bravely continue.. ;)